Celebrate with us. Join us for our free online National Cancer Survivors Day® Celebration – THIS IS MY MOMENT. The celebration is Sunday, June 6, 2021 from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Eastern time. During these extraordinary times, we must remember to celebrate survival. This empowering celebration will have inspiring messages from cancer survivors, co-survivors, and caregivers. We will also have music, fellowship, and lots of fun. Please celebrate with us. Inviting all cancer survivors, co-survivors, caregivers, medical professionals, and anyone interested in celebrating cancer survivorship. Please share this invitation with family and friends and register at THIS IS MY MOMENT – National Cancer Survivors Day® Celebration Tickets, Sun, Jun 6, 2021 at 1:00 PM | Eventbrite
As I mentioned in my Cancer Lessons to Go from Diagnosis to Destiny Blog, surviving a cancer diagnosis presents a new and different sense of urgency. And with that sense of urgency about doing, doing doing, there should also be a sense of urgency about celebrating, celebrating, celebrating.
Why you should celebrate cancer survivorship and why you should celebrate with us:
- First, surviving cancer is monumental and something to be celebrated!
- Second, we provide a lot of positive energy.
- Third, there is powerful energy celebrating with other cancer survivors.
- Fourth, there is powerful energy celebrating with other co-survivors.
- Fifth, there is powerful energy celebrating with other caregivers.
- Sixth, there is powerful energy celebrating with other support team members.
- Seventh, you should celebrate with us because we are fun.
- Eighth, we will have lots of fun.
In other words, you should celebrate with us because this celebration will be empowering, uplifting, inspiring, and fun. We will have a great time and think you will, too.